Feeling like we always need things to go our way is a false need that exists in our consciousness, planted and continually nourished by fear. This need represents the ego-born thoughts of the mind that acknowledge the illusion of insecurity. When we are insecure about our lives and relationships, it is partially because we are fearful of the unknown. The nature of ‘the future’ is completely unpredictable, and so we are all forced to take a gamble with choices, actions, and reactions in hopes of the outcome being in our favor. When we take this gamble and form our aspirations from a place of fear, i.e., anger, control, guilt, sadness, or pure selfish, we can expect the outcome of our choices and actions to also be rooted from this same energy. We attract what we are.
Negative thoughts left unchecked have the power to create negative actions and reactions which, in turn creates negative situations. When these situations are left unattended to, they become the equivalent of a boulder barreling down a steep hill. Once the boulder becomes seemingly unstoppable, it invokes feelings of panic and creates the result of chaos. That being said, moments of chaos provide us with the opportunity to choose the path of immaculate growth, stagnation, or even demotion.
When we 'lose' our bet with life due to actions and aspirations fueled by fear, we are then blessed with this chaotic fork in the road. This is the light in the situation; this is the moment when we can choose the energy that will fill our future outcomes. We can lead our life using the same energy that gave us the outcome we didn't want, i.e., fear, or we can choose to use the opposite energy of divine love and rightfully expect different results by doing so.
By continually choosing fear, we are choosing the easiest, most familiar route. We neglect our free will and give our power away to outside forces which, in turn, traps us in the devastating cycle of disappointment that haunts us every time we ‘fail.’
As long as we look outside of ourselves for happiness and contentment, we will continue to give our lives to someone else to lead. When we depend on others to bring us the happiness we seek, we will always be disappointed. Only we can reap true, everlasting happiness upon ourselves.
Luckily we have another option, which is to choose the path of divine love. Because of the gift of free will, we have the ability to take complete control of ourselves. This means that we have full power over our thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions. This is power that is solely ours unless we choose to give it away. When we come to acknowledge and trust the power that we hold within, we regift ourselves with the ability to find the lesson, the light and the love in every situation. By becoming conscious of, and taking responsibility for our every thought, emotion, action, and reaction, we are equipped with all of the tools needed to create our own realities. This is what it means to be mindful. For example :
You feel lonely because your spouse doesn't talk to you much. You don't have to feed into the loneliness, it is a choice to do so. By looking for the light in the situation, you change your reality. "I have all of this free time to do what I love. I am loving my husband and that alone brings me happiness. I don't need to receive anything from anyone else to feel a certain way. I don't need love and attention from others to feel worthy because I love myself and can give attention to myself. I alone hold the key to my happiness." These are all truths that must be acknowledged. We must find a way to be content within and not fall into the trap of seeking outwards. We must stop neglecting ourselves internally. Start saying, "I must... to be happy" and stop saying, "they must... to make me happy".
When our aspirations for the future are built on the foundational energy of divine love, and when we use mindfulness effectively, the outcome will always be something that we feel we are pleased with, and something that we look forward to once we come to trust ourselves through practice. The lessons we learn when faced with ‘failure’ and negative situations are invaluable and absolutely necessary for our growth. They are all precious moments to practice and apply mindfulness!
Having gratitude for all of the things that you are blessed with is a powerful emotion and tool interwoven within the energy of divine love. Gratitude is such a dominant energy that it is completely necessary to take apply while staring a negative outcome in the face and also while mindfully creating our own realities. This simple energy has the power to obliterate feelings stemmed from fear; it can destroy greed and selfishness, build and reinforce feelings of stability, and reap happiness upon us as a ‘side effect’ of its use.
By practicing the use of mindfulness and gratitude, we give freely of ourselves the tools needed to overcome disappointment and fear, and we regift ourselves with the seemingly lost abilities needed in order to form our perceptions from the source of divine love.
Practice makes perfect. ♡
-Sara Floyd
-Be Divine. Bodivine.