

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

How Bodivine Can Help You Be Divine

The word ‘divine’ is widely misconstrued these days. What is the first thing that pops into your head? Saintly? Religious? Angelic? These definitions aren't wrong, but they certainly aren't how I choose to use the word. To be divine is to connect with your higher self, to find inner happiness, to flourish and thrive in all aspects of your life; mind, body, soul and spirit, which will cause you to bloom into the greatest version of yourself.

For the majority of my life I was asleep. I wandered around like a zombie on autopilot. I had no goals, ambitions, or happiness. I felt lost, lonely, incapable, redundant, depressed, anxious, stressed… I felt broken. I was so low that I didn't allow myself to dream to avoid heartbreak. For many years I carried on slowly with my feet entrenched in this muddy emotional state. I wasn't living, I was hopelessly surviving. I thought that I didn't have a purpose, a reason to live.
As sad and hard as this time was for me, I didn't allow it to permanently be me. I didn't allow it to become the end of me or my existence.

No matter how mindless or miserable I was, I always had a deep, nagging thought that reoccurred quite often; “there must be more to life than this.” I had an epiphany one day which cause me to ponder more on that annoying, angering thought, “what if there truly is more? What is more? Can I have more?” and thus my search for truth began.

I began to devour information like my life depended on it. I scoured books, the internet, whatever reading materials I could get my hands on for ‘the truth, the secret, the forbidden knowledge that would change my life.’ Bits and pieces of helpful, useful information were found everywhere, but the big picture was never quite clear. I started to grow impatient. “why wasn't my life changing? After all, I've read all of these books, I know all of these valuable things.” like a ton of rocks, the truth dropped on my chest. I had been soul searching without. My answers were within me all along, I just wasn't trusting myself enough to truly listen. I wasn't applying the wisdom found within my heart. I was inhibiting myself from the divine change waiting for my acknowledgment within.

I learned how to trust myself, how to understand my intuitive gifts, which in turn made my life purpose clear:
I went through all of this hard stuff so that you don't have to.

Here on Bodivine I have compiled a treasury of life changing lists, tips, tactics, challenges, motivational guidance, and aid of all shapes and sizes to help you rediscover your hidden inner power, restore balance in your life, and find the peace, joy, and love in all, including the darkest of situations. Within us all is a seed of great divinity, waiting to be watered and nourished so that we may become the greatest version of ourselves.
I have dedicated my heart and mind to the works created and shared with you on this site in order to aid in the restoration of hope, divinity, love and happiness in all who feel lost, lonely, or abandoned. It is my intention to share with the world all that I know and believe in for the betterment, enlightenment, and awakening of all who seek as I once did and still do.

Bodivine came into existence because of a collective need in this world to know the forbidden truth. It's creation is meant to reach out and shine a light of love, service and guidance to those who yearned for "the more in life."

Thank you for tuning in. I wish you all of the love and happiness that you deserve. This is your birthright. ♡

-Sara Floyd
Be Divine. Bodivine.

Warm Welcome With Open Arms To All

First, I'd like to congratulate you on taking the first step towards creating a new life! Whether you realize it right now or not, you have opened doors to a lifetime of possibilities.

There are two kinds of people on this earth, those that dream, wish, and wait, and those that do. After noticing an influx of information on the Internet and in new books basically telling people to “believe hard enough and it will come true,” I realized that a very big, critically important piece of the puzzle was missing. Dreams are a beautiful thing to be cherished and loved, but without RADICAL ACTION they are forever trapped in dreamland. Everything that we imagine and everything that we desire exists the moment we create it with our minds, but that is the only place it exists until we do the work to manifest our dreams in the physical realm. You have all of the power within yourself to make all of your dreams come true. By looking for answers, by taking action, you have placed yourself on the path of true happiness and success.

Lots of love,

Sara Floyd